So...the next thing I know, I 'm writing my own blog. Actually, I'll be teaming up with our crew from Western Associates, Home of Neat Stuff University ( will give you the scoop on what THAT'S about) to offer thoughts on marketing, branding, incentives, corporate fulfillment programs, why Cutter & Buck is the Charlotte office's favorite apparel line, employee recognition, and random things in the world that make us go "wow!" and sometimes "huh?". Speaking of "huh?"...what do you think about the campaign that Cingular Wireless ran a while back...the billboards declared that among major wireless carriers, Cingular had "Fewest Dropped Calls!" It's interesting to me that the best thing they could think to say about themselves could be summarized as "We suck LESS than anyone else!" That message dazzled me almost as much as the label I saw years ago on a nutritious beverage that bragged (?) "Contains 2% REAL fruit juice."
Well friends, we're off and blogging. The BSL (Blog Seminar Leader - I like to name things) told us the key to having a blog that folks other than your mom will read is HELPFUL CONTENT...we will make this our noble goal. (By the way, our newly formed BRT - Blog Research Team - has determined that it is a SCIENTIFIC fact that before BLOGGING, folks had more time to build model airplanes....note picture of Uncle Ed in upper right hand corner).
The folks from AirTran are calling...time to board the rocket to Charlotte.