Marketing thoughts-The hits keep coming from David Meerman Scott and Web Ink Now...check out the Marketing of the Grateful Dead. Scott shares his thoughts on the Dead's "counter-culture marketing" that begs the question, "How are we marketing our business...Are we doing it pretty much the same way our competitors are?"
Game Plan for Life-The Super Bowl and NASCAR champion Coach Joe Gibbs is releasing a book this month billed as "Your Personal Playbook for Success." Joe commissioned a research firm to ask the man on the street what "success" meant. From the results, Coach Gibbs recruited 11 experts to each write a chapter on subjects including Finances, Health, Relationships, God, Purpose. Check out the website for more of the scoop on this project. And putting his money where his mouth is, Coach is buying breakfast for 1000 men at the Westin in Charlotte on July 31 to talk about the book while sharing his heart and spiritual journey.